01 Jan 2000
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Flash H.264 File Format

Posted in HomeBy adminOn 23/11/17

Free File Viewer Supported file formats. Format. Description. FRCamera RAW Image File Hasselblad. G2. Video file for 3. G CDMA2. 00. 0 multimedia services. GPVideo file for 3. G mobile phones. 4. XM4. X Technologies Video File. AACAudio file in Advanced Audio Coding format. AC3. Audio file in Audio Codec 3 format. Important The following file types can be played by the WD TV HD Media Player, WD TV Mini Media Player, WD TV Live HD Media Player, WD TV Live Plus HD Media Player. Whats a file format A file format is the structure in which information is stored encoded in a computer file. When dealing with video, a large amount of data is. ACTACT Voice Audio File. AEAMD Studio Audio File. AIFFAudio Interchange File Format Audio File. ALLImage. En Vector Objects and Layers File. AMRAudio speech file in Adaptive Multi Rate format. ANIAnimated cursor. ANMDeluxe Paint Animation Video File. Video+File+Formats+File+Type+Also+known+as%3A+Originally+created+by.jpg' alt='Flash H.264 File Format' title='Flash H.264 File Format' />APCCryo Interactive Entertainment Audio File. APEAudio file in Monkeys Audio format. ARWCamera RAW Image File Sony. ASFAdvancedActive Streaming Format Video File. ASPMicrosoft Active Server Page. ASPXMicrosoft Extended Active Server Page. AUSun Microsystems Audio File. AVIVideo file in Audio Video Interleave format. BAKBackup file. BATDOS Batch File. BAYCamera RAW Image File Casio. BIKRAD Game Tools Bink Video File. BINBinary data file. BMPBitmap Image file. Flash H.264 File Format' title='Flash H.264 File Format' />BWRaw Black and White Bitmap. CAFApple Core Audio Format Audio File. CAFFApple Core Audio Format Audio File. CAMCamera RAW Image File Casio. CDGCD Graphics Video File. CDXLCommodore Amiga Video File. CFGConfiguration File. CONFConfiguration File. CONFIGConfiguration File. CPKSega Film Format Video File. CR2. Camera RAW Image File Canon. CRWCamera RAW Image File Canon. CS1. Camera RAW Image File Capture Shop. CSSCascading Style Sheet File. CSVComma Separated Values File. CURCursor image or animation. CUTDr. Halo image. DATData file. DC2. Camera RAW Image File Kodak. DCMDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Image File. DCRCamera RAW Image File Kodak. DCSCamera RAW Image File Kodak. DCXMultipage PCX Image File. Adobe Flash Player is a lightweight browser plugin and rich Internet application runtime that delivers consistent and engaging user experiences, stunning audio. Pavtube Video Converter helps users convert WMV, AVI, TiVo, MKV, AVCHD MTS files to H. TS, MKV, MPEG, MP4, 3GP. Flash H.264 File Format' title='Flash H.264 File Format' />A video file format is a type of file format for storing digital video data on a computer system. Video is almost always stored in compressed form to reduce the file. AliveMedia Provides multimedia software for the conversion, recording, ripping, burning and editing of various audio and video formats. They are Video Converter. MPCSTAR v5. 4 2011. PLAYER support hardwareacceleration for h. Intel integrated graphics. FLV to MP4 Converter Freeware This is one useful FREE flash video converter for everyone, it be titled with FLV to MP4 Converter, just like the name means, this. Flash H.264 File Format' title='Flash H.264 File Format' />Flash H.264 File FormatDIBDevice Independent Bitmap Graphic file. DICDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Image File. DICOMDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Image File. DIVXVideo file in Div. X format. DIZDescription file. DNGDigital Negative RAW Image File Adobe. DOCMicrosoft Word 9. Document. DOCMMicrosoft Word 2. Macro Enabled Document. DOCXMicrosoft Word 2. Document. DOTMicrosoft Word 9. Template Document. DOTXMicrosoft Word 2. Template Document. DTSAudio file in Digital Theater Systems format. EAC3. Raw E AC 3 Audio File. EMFWindows Enchanced Metafile. ERFCamera RAW Image File Epson. FAXFax document. FFFCamera RAW Image File Imacon. FLACAudio file in Free Lossless Audio Codec format. FLVVideo file in Flash format for use on the Internet. G3. FZetafax Fax Image File Fine. G3. NZetafax Fax Image File Normal. G7. 22. Raw G. 7. Audio File. GIFGraphical Interchange Format image file. GSMRaw GSM cell phone Audio File. GXFGeneral e. Xchange Format Video File. H2. 61. Raw H. 2. Video File. H2. 63. Raw H. 2. 63 Video File. H2. 64. Raw H. 2. Video File. HDPMicrosoft HD Photo File. HTMLHTML document. ICBTruevision Advanced Raster Graphics Adapter Image File. ICOIcon file. IEVImage. En Vector Objects File. IFFInterchange File Format Image File. IIQCamera RAW Image File Phase One. INFOInformational file. INIWindows Initialization File. IRCAMBerkeleyIRCAMCARL Audio File. J2. CJPEG 2. 00. 0 Code Stream Image File. J2. KJPEG 2. 00. 0 Code Stream Image File. JFIFJPEG File Interchange Format. JIFJPEG Interchange Format Image File. JP2. JPEG 2. 00. 0 Core Image File. JPCJPEG 2. 00. 0 Code Stream Image File. JPEJPEG Image File. JPEGJPEG Image File. JPGJPEG Image File. JXRMicrosoft HD Photo File. K2. 5Camera RAW Image File Kodak. KDCCamera RAW Image File Kodak. LOGLog File. LVFLossless Video Format Video File. LXFVR Native Stream Video File. LYRImage. En Layers File. M4. AAudio file in MPEG 4 Audio Layer format. M4. VVideo file in i. Tunes format. MANIFESTApplication manifest file. MDCCamera RAW Image File Minolta. MEFCamera RAW Image File Mamiya. MKAAudio file in Matroska Audio Stream format. MKVVideo file in Matroska format. MLPMeridian Lossless Packing Audio File. MOSCamera RAW Image File Leaf. MOVVideo file in Quick. Time Movie format. MP2. Audio file in MPEG 1 Audio Layer II format. MP3. Audio file in MPEG 1 or MPEG 2 Audio Layer III format. MP4. Video file that uses MPEG 4 compression. MPAAudio file in MPEG Audio File format. MPCAudio file in Musepack Compressed Audio format. MPEGVideo file in MPEG format. MPGVideo file in MPEG format. MRWCamera RAW Image File Minolta. MVSilicon Graphics Movie Video File. MVIMotion Pixels MVI Video File. MXFMaterial e. Xchange Format Video File. NEFCamera RAW Image File Nikon. NRWCamera RAW Image File Nikon. NSVNullsoft Streaming Video File. NUTExperimental new open format Video File. NUVNuppel. Video Video File. OFRAudio file in Optim. Frog Audio format. OGGOgg Vorbis Audio File. OGMOgg Media Video File. OGVOgg Video File. ORFCamera RAW Image File Olympus. PAFAmazing Studio Packed Audio File. PALDr. Halo image. PBMPortable Bitmap Image File. PCCZSoft Paintbrush Image File. PCDKodak Photo CD Image File. Autocad 8 Crack Windows. PCXZSoft Paintbrush image File. PDDAdobe Photo. Deluxe Image File. PDFAdobe Portable Document Format. PEFCamera RAW Image File Pentax. PGMPortable Gray Map Image File. PHPHypertext Preprocessor File. PICGeneric Picture File. PIXTruevision Advanced Raster Graphics Adapter Image File. PMPPlaystation Portable PMP Video File. PNGPortable Network Graphics Image File. PPMPortable Pixmap Image File. PSDAdobe Photoshop Image File. PSPPaint Shop Pro Image File. PTXCamera RAW Image File Pentax. PVFPortable Voice Format Audio File. PXMPortable Pixmap Image File. PXNCamera RAW Image File Logitech. QCPQualcomm QCP Audio File. RAAudio file in Real Audio format. RAFCamera RAW Image File Fuji. RAWCamera RAW Image File Various. RDCCamera RAW Image File Digital Foto Maker. RGBRGB Bitmap image file. RGBASGI RGBA Image file. RLASGI AliasWavefront RLA image. RLERun Length Encoded Bitmap. RMVideo file in Real Media format. RMVBVideo file in Real Media Variable Bit Rate format. ROQId Software ROQ Video File. RPFSGI AliasWavefront RPF image file. RPLRPL ARMovie Video File. RTFRich Text Format. RW2. Camera RAW Image File Panasonic. RWLCamera RAW Image File Leica. SGISilicon Graphics Image File. SHNShorten Audio File. SMKSmacker Video File. SPXAudio speech file in Speex format. SR2. Camera RAW Image File Sony. SRFCamera RAW Image File Sony. SRWCamera RAW Image File Samsung. SWFShock. Wave Flash Video File. TARGATruevision Advanced Raster Graphics Adapter Image File. TGATruevision Advanced Raster Graphics Adapter Image File. TIFTagged Image File. TIFFTagged Image File. TMPTemporary file. TTAAudio file in The True Audio Codec format. TXDRenderware Te. Xture Dictionary Video File. TXTText file. V2. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Image File. VDATruevision Advanced Raster Graphics Adapter Image File. VMDSierra VMD Video File. VOBVideo file in DVD format. VOCCreative Voice Audio File. VQFNippon Telegraph Telephone Co. Twin. VQ Audio File. VSTTruevision Advanced Raster Graphics Adapter Image File. W6. 4Sony Wave. 64 Audio File. WAVAudio file in Waveform Audio format. WBMPWireless Bitmap Image File. WDPMicrosoft HD Photo File. WINTruevision Advanced Raster Graphics Adapter Image File. WMAAudio file in Windows Media Audio format. WMFWindows Meta File. WMVVideo file in Windows Media Video format. WVRaw Wav. Pack Audio File. X3. FCamera RAW Image File Sigma. XAMaxis Audio File. XIFExtended Image Format Image File. XLSMicrosoft Excel File. XLSMMicrosoft Excel 2. File with Macros. XLSXMicrosoft Excel 2. File. XMLXML Document. XMVMicrosoft XBOX AudioVideo File. XVIDVideo file in the free XVID format. XWMAMicrosoft XWMA Audio File. List of Compatible Media File Types for WD TV and WD Elements Play. Answer ID 2. 69. 8This answer displays a list of compatible media file types for WD TV and Elements Play models. ENDMedia File Formats Supported on the WD TV HD Media Player Gen 1 Based on Firmware Version 1. Video WMV9, AVI MPEG124, Xvid, AVC, H. MKV h. 2. 64, x. AVC, MPEG124, VC 1, MOV MPEG4, H. M2. TS, TP, TS, MOVMP4 MPEG4, h. DVR MS, VOB unprotected or unencryptedMPEG24, H. WMV9 support up to 1. FLV file extensions are NOT supported. Neither are RMVB videos from Real Media. You will need to use conversion software to convert them to a supported format. The WD TV HD Media Player only supports certain types of codecs based on the extension of your file. You can check the User Manual for a list of supported codecs for each file extension. Pictures JPEGJPG, GIF, TIFTIFF, BMP, PNGJPEG only supports compressed RGB format files. BMP only supports uncompressed files. TIFF only supports single layer files. BMP, TIFFTIF, PNG, and GIF have a max resolution of 2. JPEGJPG has a max resolution of 4. Audio MP3, WMA, MPA, M4. A, MP4. A, OGG, WAVPCMLPCM, AAC, FLAC, Dolby Digital, AIFAIFF, MKAPlaylists PLS, M3. U, WPLSubtitles SRT, SMI, SUB, ASS, SSANote. Be sure to check our Downloads Library for for the latest firmware. You will also find release notes showing what functionality has been added with the update. Return to Top. Media File Formats Supported on the WD TV Live Streaming Media Player, WD TV Live Hub Media Center, WD TV Live Plus HD Media Player, WD TV Live WDBAAx. NBK HD Media Player, and WD TV HD Media Player Gen 2Based on Firmware Version 3. WD TV Live Hub Media Center, 1. B for the WD TV Live Plus HD Media Player, 1. V for the WD TV Live HD Media Player and 1. WD TV HD Media Player Gen 2. Video MPEG124, WMV9, AVI MPEG4, Xvid, AVC, H. MKV, MOV MPEG4, H. M2. TS, TP, TRP, TS, MP4, ASF, VOB unprotected or unencryptedMPEG24, H. WMV9 support up to 1. FLV file extensions are supported using a video codec of H. Audio codec of AAC only in the latest firmware version for all of the above devices besides the WD TV HD Media Player Gen 2. RMVB videos from Real Media are not supported. You will need to use conversion software to convert them to a supported format. The WD TV Live HD Media Player only supports certain types of codecs based on the extension of your file. You can check the User Manual for a list of supported codecs for each file extension. Pictures JPEGJPG, GIF, TIFTIFF, BMP, PNGJPEG only supports compressed RGB format files. BMP only supports uncompressed files. TIFF only supports single layer files. BMP, TIFFTIF, PNG, and GIF have a max resolution of 2. JPEGJPG has a max resolution of 4. Audio MP3, WAVPCMLPCM, WMA, AAC, FLAC, MKA, AIFAIFF, OGG, Dolby Digital, DTSAACDolby DigitalDTS decodes in 2 channel output only. You will need an audio receiver capable of decoding these codecs for additional channels. Playlists PLS, M3. U, WPLSubtitles SRT, ASS, SSA, SUB, SMINote. Be sure to update your WD TV Live HD Media Player to the latest firmware. Return to Top. Media File Formats Supported on the WD TV Mini Media Player Based on Firmware Version 1. Video AVI Xvid, MPEG124, MPGMPEG, VOB, MP4MOV MPEG4, RM or RMVB 891. RMVB supports up to 1. MPEG124 supports up to D1 resolution 7. NTSC, 7. 20x. 57. PAL. RMVB videos will play on the WD TV Mini Media Player only. They are not supported on the original WD TV HD Media Player, or the WD TV Live HD Media Player. FLV file extensions are NOT supported. You will need to use conversion software to convert them to a supported format. The WD TV Mini Media Player only supports certain types of codecs based on the extension of your file. You can check the User Manual for a list of supported codecs for each file extension. Pictures JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, PNGAudio MP3, WAVPCMLPCM, WMA, AAC, FLAC, MKA, OGG, APESubtitles SRT, ASS, SSA, SUB, SMINote. Be sure to check our Downloads Library for for the latest firmware. You will also find release notes showing what functionality has been added with the update. Return to Top. Media File Formats Supported on the WD Elements Play Based on Firmware Version 1. Video. Extension Filename. Container Format. Codec. Supported. LimitationSupported up to. MPEG PSVideo Codec. MPEG 1. YES 1. 92. MPEG 2. YESAudio Codec. MPEGYESMP3. YESMP2. YESPCMYESDTSNODolby Digital. YES. mpeg. MPEG PSVideo Codec. MPEG 1. YES 1. 92. MPEG 2. YESAudio Codec. MPEGYESMP3. YESMP2. YESPCMYESDTSNODolby Digital. YES. m. 2a. MPEG PSVideo Codec. MPEG 1. YES1 3. 52. Audio Codec. MPEG. MPEG PSVideo Codec. MPEG 1. YES1 3. 52. Audio Codec. MPEG. MPEG PSVideo Codec. MPEG 1. YES1 3. 52. Audio Codec. MPEG. CDXAMPEG PSVideo Codec. MPEG 1VCDSVCDYES 7. Audio Codec. MPEG. MPEG PSVideo Codec. MPEG 1VCDSVCDYES 7. Audio Codec. MPEGYESLPCMYESPCMYESDolby Digital. YESDTSNO. ts. MPEG TSVideo Codec. MPEG 1VCDSVCDYES 1. AVCH. 2. 64YESAudio Codec. MPEGYESMP3. YESMP2. YESPCMYESDTSNODolby Digital. YES. tp. MPEG TSVideo Codec. MPEG 1. YES 1. 92. Audio Codec. MP2. YESDolby Digital. YES. trp. MPEG PSVideo Codec. MPEG 2. YES 1. 92. Audio Codec. MP2. YES. mp. 4MPEG 4. Video Codec. MPG1. YES 1. 92. 0. 08. MPEG 4. YESMP4. VYESMP4. YESAVCH. 2. 64YESAudio Codec. AAC LCYES. avi. AVIVideo Codec 1. Xvid. YESMPG1. YESMPG2. YESAVCH. 2. 64YESMJPEG AYESMJPEG BYESAudio Codec. MPEGYESMP2. YESMP3. YESLPCMYESPCMYESDolby Digital. YESDTSNOVorbis. YESAACYESAAC LCYESWMAYES. Quicktime. Video Codec. MPEG 4. YES 1. 92. MJPEG AYESMJPEG BYESMJPAYESH. YESAVCH. 2. 64YESAudio Codec. MPEGYESADPCMYESU LAWYESAAC LCYESAACYESPCMYES. MPEG 4. Video Codec. MPEG 4. YES6. 40. H. 2. 63. YESAudio Codec. AMR WAYESAMR NAYES. ISOVideo Codec. MPEG 2DVDYES7. Audio Codec. MPEGYESLPCMYESPCMYESDolby Digital. YESDTSNO. img. IMGVideo Codec. MPEG 2DVDYES2. Audio Codec. MPEGYES2. LPCMYES2. PCMYES2. Dolby Digital. YES2. DTSNO. mkv. Matroska. Video Codec. Xvid. YESReal. Video. YESAVCH. 2. 64YESMPEG 4. YESMpeg 2. YESmpeg. YESAudio Codec. AACYESAAC LCYESMP3. YESCooker. YESVorbis. YESDolby Digital. YESFLACYESDTSNOWMAYES. Real. Media. Video Codec. RV4. 0YES1. 28. 0. RV3. 0YESAudio Codec. Real Audio cooker. YESReal Audio 1. 0YESAACYESAAC LCYES. BDAVVideo Codec. MPEG 2. YES1. 92. 0. 08. Audio Codec. PCMYESDTSNODolby Digital. YES. qt. Quick. Time. Video Codeccvid. YES1. AVCYESAudio Codec. PCMYESAACYES. m. 4v. MPEG 4. Video Codec. AVCYES7. 20. 80 2. Audio Codec. Dolby Digital. YES. mod. MPEG PSVideo Codec. MPEG 2. YES7. 04. Audio Codec. Dolby Digital. YES. flv. Flash Video. Video Codec. H. 2. YES7. 20. 76 2. AVCYESAudio Codec. MP3. YESAACYES. 3g. MPEG 4. Video Codec. MPEG 4. YES3. 52. Audio Codec. AACYES. AVIVideo Codec. Xvi. DYES1. 92. 0. 08. Audio Codec. AACYES. AVIVideo Codec. Xvi. DYES1. 92. 0. 08. Audio Codec. AACYES1 After renaming file to. After renaming file to. Music. Extension Filename. Container Format. Codec. Supported. Limitation. mp. 2MPEG Audio. Layer 2. YESSupported up to 3. Kbps 3. 20. Kbps. MPEG Audio. Layer 1. YESSupported up to CBRVBR. Kbps 3. 20kbps 8 4. KHz. Layer 2. YESLayer 3. YESMPEG2. 5. YES. Wave. PCMYESSupported up to 3. Kbps. LPCMYESADPCMYES. Wave. PCMYES1. 41. Kbps 4. 4. 1 KHz stereo. Wave. PCMYES1. 41. Kbps 4. 4. 1 KHz stereo. ADTSAAC LCYESSupported up to 8 4. KHz. m. 4a. ALACAAC LCYESSupported up to 8 4. KHz. m. 4r. MPEG Audio. AAC LCYESSupported up to 8 4. KHz. flac. FLACFLACYESSupported up to 8 4. KHz. wma. Windows Media Audio. Technical Mujahid there. WMA 2. YES3. 2Kbps 3.