01 Jan 2000
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Navy Enlistment Bonus Program

Posted in HomeBy adminOn 21/11/17

Navy Student Loan Repayment Program. Contact Information Navy Recruiting Command Attn LRP 5722 Integrity Drive, Bldg. Millington, Tenn. Convenient fillable, savable, and reusable Department of Defense forms in Microsoft Word with automatic form fill features. We offer a 100 satisfaction guarantee. As a BSN Nurse, What Army Rank and Enlistment Bonus Will I Get USMC. US Marine Corps Fan Site, with everything you need to know about the US Marines, including the culture and history, how to join the Marines. The Health Professions Loan Repayment Program HPLRP provides an incentive to new accessions to enter the Navy, and current active duty medical personnel to extend. The Navy offers many incentives for joining these include several types of cash signing bonuses, education bonuses, and additional incentives. If you qualify for. The United States Navy USN protects Americas freedoms at home and abroad and has the distinction of being the worlds premier naval power. U. S. Navy Edu. Get the Widget Code Here. To get the Navy Plan of the Day Widget on your page, simply copy the selected line of HTML code below highlight text and press ctrlC and. Navy SRB June 2. 01. Update. Released June 2. NAVADMIN 1. 441. Navys Selective Reenlistment Bonus SRB guidance update. ROUTINER 2. 11. 44. Navy/Navy-IMG/Joining-IMG/benefits/pay/paychart_enlisted_2016.jpg' alt='Navy Enlistment Bonus Program' title='Navy Enlistment Bonus Program' />Z JUN 1. FM CNO WASHINGTON DCTO NAVADMININFO CNO WASHINGTON DCBTUNCLASPASS TO OFFICE CODES FM CNO WASHINGTON DCN1INFO CNO WASHINGTON DCN1NAVADMIN 1. MSGIDGENADMINCNO WASHINGTON DCN1JUNSUBJSELECTIVE REENLISTMENT BONUS UPDATEREFAMSGCNO WASHINGTON DC2. ZDEC1. 6REFBMSGCNO WASHINGTON DC1. ZOCT1. 6REFCMSGCNO WASHINGTON DC2. ZMAR1. 3REFDDOCOPNAV3. JAN0. 7REFEDOCCOMNAVPERSCOM1. OCT1. 0NARRREF A IS NAVADMIN 2. SELECTIVE REENLISTMENT BONUS UPDATE CORRECTED COPY. REF B IS NAVADMIN 2. ENLISTED SUPERVISOR RETENTION PAY UPDATE CORRECTED COPY. REF C IS NAVADMIN 0. NUCLEAR TRAINED SAILOR APPLICATIONS TO OFFICER COMMISSIONING PROGRAMS. REF D IS OPNAVINST 1. A, SELECTIVE REENLISTMENT BONUS SRB PROGRAM. REF E IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1. ACTIVE OBLIGATED SERVICE OBLISERV FOR SERVICE SCHOOLSY. RMKS1. This NAVADMIN announces revised Selective Reenlistment Bonus SRB award levels and reenlistment policy for Active Component AC and Full Time Support FTS. This NAVADMIN supersedes reference a. Decreased award levels are effective 3. NAVADMIN or posting on the Navy Personnel Command website. Reenlistment requests for the following SRB award levels will be approved based on quota availability. SRB reenlistment requests must be submitted to Enlisted Career AdministrationEnlisted Boards PERS 8. Officer Personnel Information System OPINS or Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System NSIPS 3. Sailor. Eligible Sailors desiring SRB reenlistment are encouraged to work with their chain of command as early as possible within their reenlistment window to maximize potential for SRB. PERS 8. 13 maintains the current list of SRB eligible ratingsskills based on available quotas at the following website. Addendums to the current award message posted on this site provide notification of skill closures and supersede the current NAVADMIN. For those commands with limited internet access, command career counselors CCC should contact PERS 8. FTS SRB award levels are as follows. DOLLAR AWARD CEILING. RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES. NC 2. 18. 6 0. AC SRB award levels are as follows Note a. AC SRB Award Levels. DOLLAR AWARD CEILING. RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES. AWS 0. 00. 0 0. CSSS 0. CTM 9. 22. 9 1. EOD 5. IT 0. 00. 0 0. ITS 2. XX 0. ND 5. 34. 2 0. ND 5. 34. 3 0. STG 0. DOLLAR AWARD CEILING. RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES. AM 7. 22. 5 0. CTI 9. SPA 0. CTN 0. 00. EOD 5. 33. 5 4. ETRSS 1. XXA 0. FT 1. 3XX 0. HM 8. 40. 2 0. MT 3. XX 0. ND 5. 34. 2 0. OS 0. 31. 9 0. SB 5. SO 5. 32. 6 4. STS 0. DOLLAR AWARD CEILING. RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES. CTR 9. 14. 9 0. EOD 5. FC AEGIS 0. 00. 0 3. HM 8. 40. 3 0. HM 8. HM 8. 42. 7 3. HM 8. IS 3. 91. 3 0. ITS 2. XX 0. MMASS 4. 2XXA 0. MMWSS 4. 2XXB 1. SB 5. XB 6. SO 5. 39. XA 6. DOLLAR AWARD CEILING. RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES. CTI 9. 52. 0 0. CTI 9. ARB 1. CTI 9. CMN 2. CTI 9. PES 1. CTI 9. RUS 1. CTI 9. SPA 2. CTN 9. 32. 62. CTN 0. EOD 5. 33. 5 4. ETSW 0. FC 0. 00. 0 0. ITS 2. XX 0. SB 5. 35. 2 5. SB 5. 39. XB 6. SO 5. SO 5. 32. 6 5. SO 5. XA 6. DOLLAR AWARD CEILING. RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES. ND 5. 34. 1 0. SO 5. DOLLAR AWARD CEILING. RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES. EMNSS 3. 35. 46. EMNSW 3. EOD 5. 33. 7 0. ETNSS 3. ETNSW 3. 38. 39. MMNELTSS3. MMNELTSW3. 38. MMNSS 3. MMNSW 3. 38. 59. SB 5. SO 5. 32. 3 6. SO 5. STS 0. 41. 6S 0. DOLLAR AWARD CEILING. RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES. CSSW 0. 00. 0 0. HM 8. YNSS 0. 00. 0 0. DOLLAR AWARD CEILING. RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES. AC 0. 00. 0 1. Seabee 5. Seabee 5. 93. 2 2. CTT 9. 13. 5 0. GSM 0. HM 8. 40. 1 0. HM 8. HM 8. 54. 1 0. IC 0. MMASS 4. 2XXA 1. MMWSS 4. XXB 2. MR 4. 40. 2 0. MT 3. 3XX 0. DOLLAR AWARD CEILING. RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES. Seabee 5. 93. 3 0. CTR 9. 16. 9 1. ETVSS 1. XXB 0. DOLLAR AWARD CEILING. RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES. FC AEGIS 0. 00. 0 3. STG 0. 41. 6 0. STS 0. DOLLAR AWARD CEILING. RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES. AG 7. 41. 2 1. AWF 8. AWS 7. 88. 6 0. AWV 8. CTT 0. 00. 0 0. EO 0. ETRSS 1. 4XXA 0. ETVSS 1. XXB 0. FT 1. 3XX 0. HM 8. 50. 6 0. HM 8. HM 8. 75. 3 0. HT 4. IC 0. 00. 0 0. MA 2. MMWSS 4. 2XXB 0. STS 0. DOLLAR AWARD CEILING. Program Desain Grafis Adalah. RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES. AG 7. 41. 2 1. AWO 0. Seabee 5. 63. 3 0. HM 8. 75. 3 0. Notes1 Navy Enlisted Classification NEC 0. Sailors in these ratingscareer fields can hold any or no NEC and still be qualified for the SRB provided they meet all other applicable non NEC related criteria. Subsurface or surface designation does not mean an individual must be subsurface or enlisted surface warfare specialist qualified, but it indicates the component of the rating in which they can reasonably be expected to serve. Training, qualifications, and previous or projected duty assignments at sea will indicate the appropriate rating component. When using the force management system and the OPINS to input a SRB precertification request, use the rating with appropriate suffix designationNEC as specified in this NAVADMIN. For example, a surface electronics technician with no NEC would submit ETSW on precertification for rating. A SRB approval for all CT, IS, IT, and ITS ratings will be contingent upon the Service Member having a current single scope background investigation SSBI, an active SSBI or recent submission of a SSBI package. Commands must verify the Service Member has a current SSBI, active SSBI, or has submitted a SSBI package and make note of this in the comments section of the precertification request. E 3 to E 6 personnel only. X is used as a placeholder to identify where multiple NECs within a rating are eligible for a stated award level. Service Members in the specified rating that hold a NEC that includes the numbers preceding X or XX are eligible for SRB. For example, SO 5. XA includes SO 5. SO 5. 39. 2 or 1. XX includes all subsurface electronics technician navigation NECs beginning with 1. Letters appearing with a NEC are only for administrative use. Reenlistment bonuses for nuclear trained personnel a Reenlistment compensation for zones 1 through 3 nuclear trained personnel holding a nuclear supervisor NEC shall be provided under the Enlisted Supervisor Retention Pay ESRP Program in line with policies and procedures detailed in reference b along with current ESRP multiples.